Just lookit that face!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A Facebook friend posted an aging app on my wall. The app was supposed to tell the user what he or she will look like in 20 years. I thought that I might look like my mother (I'm told I resemble her the most).

This caused me to think about her current age, which is roughly 60. I am about half her age. In another 30 years, I know basically what I will look like. Then I thought about how she was when I was 18 and realized she was close to my own current age. By that time, she had already raised her own three children and had participated in raising at least one of her own grandchildren.

I then began to realize that at my current age, she was raising three kids. I came to the conclusion that I am very behind. Not only do I not have any children; I don't have my own place; I don't own a vehicle; I don't own a bed. I don't have anything of real value except my electronics and my life.

I have persistently asked why I am so alone. Why am I *still* single? I'm not pretty. I'm short and round. I'm not the most outgoing. I generally smell ok. I scratch. I am diabetically-inclined. I have a great smile and an open personality (which is how ugly people are generally described on tv and in the movies). I'm very self-aware. I'm very intelligent. I'm even strong-willed when I need to be and accommodating the rest of the time.

So, I have persistently asked the Lord why I'm *still* single. I recognize that I'm "unique," "odd," "different," "eccentric," "quirky," and "weird." People that truly know me LOVE me. So, I am dumbfounded.

I thought all these things in the span of about 15 minutes on the way home from work.

My conclusion? To keep on keeping on. There is an answer and the Lord has it. He will share "why" with me eventually. Someday, I will get to raise some kids, even if I never birth them or get to raise them in a traditional family. Someday, I will own something of real value (like a house or vehicle; maybe even some furniture). Someday, I will have someone to come home to, someone who will be ever so excited to see me and hear about my day and figure out what makes me tick.

In the meantime, I will continue to go to work, go to school and snuggle with my Kitty Poo...

Sunday, March 20, 2011


So, I have a free account on Match.com and this guy "winked" at me... Please enjoy. I certainly do...


A little about me...
KEEP IT REAL OR KEEP IT MOVING. THAT'S MY PERSONALITY IN A NUT SHELL. I RULE MONEY, MONEY DON'T RULE ME. I MAKE MONEY, MONEY DON'T MAKE ME. I HAVE A (15)YEAR CAREER AND I LOVE IT .I WANT A BBW WITH PRETTY FEET! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN I'LL TELL YOU RIGHT NOW..NO CORNS, BUNIONS, HAMMERTOES AND FLAT FEET. I WILL NOT BEND ON THIS RULE SO DON'T ASK ME TOO YOU WILL GET YOUR FEELINGS HURT. SHALLOW, RUDE, HOSTILE?NO REAL. IT IS WHAT IT IS .YOU LIKE PRETTY TEETH AND I LIKE PRETTY FEET. I'M ON HERE LOOKING FOR A WIFE NOT A ONE NITE STAND SO WHO IN HELL WANTS TO WAKE UP TO CORNS AND BUNIONS FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE? NOT ME. I HAVE PRETTY FEET AND SO SHOULD MY WIFE. IF YOU'RE IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS PLEASE DO NOT REPOND TO ME: PEN PAL, FRIENDS ONLY, CASUALDATING ,PHONEMATE AND JUST PLAIN BORED WITH NOTHING TO DO. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!I DON'T NEED TO HEAR WHAT DOES PRETTY FEET GOTTA DO WITH LOVE DON'T INSULT ME OR YOURSELF FOR THAT FACT. YOU LIKE PRETTY TEETH AND I LIKE PRETTY FEET. HEY IT IS WHAT IT IS GET OVER IT ALREADY. I WANT A BBW WITH PRETTY FEET!!I WANT TO FALL IN LOVE IT MAY SOUND DUMB AND CORNY BUT IT'S REAL. I'M NOT SAYIN THAT 50 IS THE NEW 30 ALL I'M SAYIN IS THAT IF YOU HAVE A AGE HANGUP, THEN KEEP IT MOVIN. I DON'T LOOK MY AGE AND YES THAT'S A RECENT PIC. THAT'S FOR REAL NO JOKE !! I'm not on here for games and one night stands..I'm looking for my soul mate a Wife my best friend..Many Men will catch your eyes... but only one will catch your Heart..that would be me thank you ! If you have a bunch of Male friends..NEXT..If you have ugly feet..NEXT...If your cell phone is more important than me..NEXT...If you don't agree with love at first sight...NEXT...If all of your pics are with a bunch of Men..NEXT...If you don't have no pictures of you by yourself and I cant tell who you are NEXT...If you don't want a Engagement Ring...NEXT...If you don't want a Husband...NEXT...If you got a problem with my age..NEXT... If your best friend is a Man...NEXT...If you are a Liar...NEXT...If you are not Serious...NEXT...If you are not ready to settle down...NEXT...If I can't be the only Man in your life...NEXT...If you are not looking for a long term relationship...NEXT...If you are no attracted to me and don't like what you see...NEXT... If you are not Drug and Disease free...NEXT...If you got a Corn on your baby toe...NEXT...If you got Flat feet or a Bunion...NEXT...If you think this profile is a Joke...NEXT... If you have wandering eyes...NEXT...If you think 3's Company....NEXT....If you are looking for a booty call...NEXT...If your Friends come before me...NEXT...If you think I'm Crazy...NEXT...If this profile is to real and too strong for you ...NEXT.. ...NEXT....NEXT.. A closed mouth don't get fed...If you want a one night stand or just Sex...NEXT... If you don't want to be in Love for real...NEXT...If you think E-mailing is the way to my Heart..NEXT...If you know you're full of it...NEXT...If you have nothing better to than read my profile because you're bored and can't sleep...NEXT...If you don't want me to put a Ring on it...NEXT...If you want to hide behind a Computer and sell Dreams and tell Lies...NEXT...If you think this profile is RUDE and not REAL...NEXT...If you are just surfing the net...NEXT...If you have a judgement call on this profile...NEXT...Rude ? No!..REAL !! ...If you have a comment about my profile...NEXT...If I left something out...NEXT...If this profile is too long...NEXT...If you read this long...long...profile and like what you see and read....STAY A WHILE...If you're not Real. that means Fake...NEXT...If you find this profile funny ..NEXT...You're not ready for me !If you got a bunch of pretty boys you call friends...You guessed it. ..NEXT... If you are full of it...NEXT...If you don't want a long distance relationship....NEXT...If you don't like what you're reading right now...NEXT...IT IS WHAT IT IS..I just know what I want and won't settle so on that note...NEXT....And oh yes Ladies I do have a College Degree

So dreamy... *sigh*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So, as a teacher who specializes in language arts, I feel it is my duty to discuss it.

It is imperative, as American citizens, to understand that written language requires the proper usage of punctuation. For example, I have used a tiny jot called a period three times so far. The period is necessary so that the reader knows when to pause. It is necessary. Let me repeat, it is NECESSARY. The period means you have completed a thought. You have expressed it. Done. It is representative of the natural pause given when a person speaks.

Secondly, there is a tiny mark called a comma that is used to signify another pause. This little guy is mainly used to allow for a tiny transition from one thought to another. It may not be a complete thought to a complete thought, but the thoughts are there and there should be a pause. It's almost there for someone simply to take a breath and continue speaking.

People do not speak with commas and periods, but we do speak with natural pauses. Mostly. We are not (generally speaking) ramblers, speaking a flow of words with no end. We have to eat and sleep. Natural pause.

Let's look at a few examples.

"My name is Betty. I live in a house. I have a cat and a dog and I like to eat food that is warm and salty. I drive to work every day. I walk home every night."

"My name is Betty I live in a house I have a cat and a dog and I like to eat food that is warm and salty I drive to work every day I walk home every night."

The second paragraph is not as easy to read as the first. It is also more difficult to listen to, by the way. Imagine a cute kid with a button nose and doe eyes looking up at you with his two missing front teeth talking at top speed about the merits of space travel with no pauses. Cute but hard to follow (perhaps) and hard to endure (nearly always).

Use punctuation. It's our civic duty.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So, I’m starting a series, I think.

On Satan.

I have studied this guy for years. He’s very wily. But ultimately, he’s doomed. It’s my belief that one should know his or her enemy. He is truly the only enemy humans have, including those humans who do not believe in such a creature.

I will use the Bible as my main resource, but I will also interject other sources that I come across. I will try to make sure they are reliable sources as this is not about fear-mongering or bashing anyone except Satan himself.

If you are easily intimidated by such things or you are scared out of your mind about dark and evil things, I encourage you to think long and hard about participating in this study. I even encourage you to pray long and hard about participating in this study. Pray to God, Jesus AND the Holy Spirit, because you will need the support. This subject should not be taken lightly in any way. Satan is nothing to mess around with, especially out of ignorance or curiosity.

This study is not out of curiosity. It is what I do. It is what I am called by God to do. It is what Jesus leads me to do and the Holy Spirit empowers me to do it. My dad, a pastor for many years, says that “[E]veryone who is not saved is a practicing satanist… They fear you and who is in you.” This is true. However, I want to add to this thought that it is one thing to unknowingly be blinded by his deceptions (i.e. complete denial of all things spiritual, or denial of God or evil) and another to worship the devil himself and acknowledge it. It’s this latter point that I will be researching.

I will interview satanists that I come across and include portions of the interviews here. All names and identifying information will be changed or omitted in the interest of confidentiality.

Please read Romans 12 in your favorite translation (I will mostly use The Message translation here as it’s easy to read and understand). I encourage you to check out http://www.bible.com/ and read this passage in several translations just to get a “rounder” understanding of this Word. Romans 12, summed up, states that we should love. Period. It does not matter how many people a serial rapist has assaulted. He should still be loved. It doesn’t matter how rude a Facebook friend has been or will be towards you. He or she should still be loved. It doesn’t matter how hateful your supervisor is to you and your co-workers. He or she should still be loved. No one can come to Christ through our witness if we are hateful back. This is Romans 12. This is my attitude in general. And this is my attitude about this subject and towards those who are knowingly "in league with the devil."

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody. Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it."
Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good (http://bibleresources.bible.com/passagesearchresults.php?passage1=romans+12&version1=65).

I hope you enjoy this study/series as it develops. Feel free to comment! Just be respectful!