Just lookit that face!

My Educational Pursuits

I am thirty-something years old. Currently, I am a special education teacher. In this day and age, I don't recommend anyone becoming a teacher unless Jesus Himself sends you certified mail instructing you to do so. *seriousface*

How did I get to where I am now? Well, that's for another blog entry. But for the time being, I started out as a kid in Knoxville, TN. After graduating high school, I attended the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, majoring in English Lit and Psychology. Great combination of nothing right there... So, I graduated from there, worked a bit and started a graduate program at the same university, hated that program and entered a teaching certification program for special education.

Therein lies another story. Fast forward a smidge and we land upon entering a Master's program from Liberty University, where I earned a degree in Pastoral Counseling. I moved from Tennessee in May of 2009 and landed in Marietta, GA. I attempted a third graduate program and realized that I didn't want to go in that direction.

I was laid off and to avoid insanity, I entered an Associate's program at ITT in Kennesaw, GA pursuing a dormant passion that was kindled while a special education teacher: Criminal Justice. I do not know what I will do with it. It would be pretty awesome to search for missing persons or do forensic interviews (interviewing victims of sex crimes, specifically). I would love to carry a gun and drive a huge, black vehicle and travel the US in search of people and information.