Just lookit that face!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Philippians 1:3-4

The NASB Version reads as follows: "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all..."

The Message reads: "Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart."

My secondary thoughts about this verse point to the fact that it seems the two translations seem to be completely different.

I used to read from the NASB translation as it was easier than the New King James Version. I recently switched over to The Message as I was reading through the Old Testament. The Message, though I still appreciate the King James, New King James and New American Standard Bibles, seems to make the language so plain that it jumps to life for me. This is the case with the verses above.

In the NASB, it does say the author thinks good thoughts when he remembers the members of the church in Philippi. It also reads that when he prays for Philippi, he offers those prayers with joy. That's nice. 

But in The Message, I get a visual. I read that the author leaps about the room thanking the Lord EVERY TIME the members of Philippi cross his mind! Imagine every time you thought of a sibling, a parent, a dear friend and not only did your heart jump with love, but you literally gave a shout out! EACH. TIME. Then, each shout out to your loved one triggers a spontaneous prayer. And that prayer is given "with a glad heart!"

My primary thoughts on this passage: 

Let's further imagine that if we did this for our loved ones, how this spontaneous intercessory prayer would cause just about anything to happen for them! Think about how a lost loved one would experience Love in its truest, purest form for the first time... Think about that friend or spouse who lost his or her job, has been unemployed for months or years and has children that s/he must feed. Think about that co-worker who is lost or financially struggling, or has a terminal illness. Or think about whatever! 

This verse, though I've read it many times over, came alive by reading a different translation. I am convicted to pray spontaneously for everyone that crosses my mind. And the most challenging part is where, even though I might be upset or confused about the situation with one of those people that crosses my mind, I am to give a shout and continue to pray with joy and a glad heart for that person.

How ridiculously simple. How ridiculously beautiful.

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