Just lookit that face!

Monday, February 7, 2011


So, I was having a challenging morning and asking certain people to pray for me. Some of them know the circumstances; some of them don't. All of them know me fairly well. I don't ask for many things, but I will ask for prayer.

So, I asked for it. I vented to a co-worker about life things then had to get to work. I was slightly teary-eyed and knew I needed the Lord this morning. I asked for His help and dried my face.

I walked outside to my morning post (which is carpool outside in the cold and rain). My job is to open car doors and help the kiddos out of their vehicles. One car stopped in front of me. It was someone that I recognize but he doesn't recognize me at all. As his daughter gets out of the car, he calls to her, "You're covered by The Blood!" ALL the heaviness I had been feeling for the previous thirty minutes immediately lifted off my shoulders and the rest of the day flowed smoothly, emotionally speaking.

My God is so good, so faithful and knows exactly what my spirit needs to hear.

*sigh* :-D

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